As part of an exciting new EPSRC-funded research project, we are currently recruiting two postdocs for a fixed term of 36 months focussing on supercritical carbon dioxide power cycles. The project is focussed on investigating supercritical carbon dioxide power cycles for waste-heat recovery applications. Details of the roles and how to apply below!

Position 1: Turbomachinery

The appointed Research Fellow will be responsible for the design and commissioning of a new blowdown test facility that will be used to characterise the behaviour CO2 in close proximity to the critical point, including non-ideal fluid effects and condensation. They will also investigate the design and simulation of turbomachinery components for sCO2 power cycles using a range of analytical and numerical methods including in-house design tools and computational-fluid dynamics.

Position 2: Cycle analysis

The appointed Research Fellow will be responsible for the development of necessary tools to investigate the performance of supercritical CO2 systems, and identify optimal system configuration, component designs, and operating conditions. They will also support in the design and commissioning of a new blowdown test facility that will be used to characterise the behaviour of CO2 in close proximity to the critical point.